I only give advice on what I know.
- Unless you are started a space company, don't raise money in the beginning. Work on your business, not your pitch. It will force you to adapt.
- Read a lot.
- Never stop learning about yourself.
- Go deep. Become an expert in something.
- Find the balance between following the expert advice and completely ignoring them.
- 95% of things are easy. Work on the 5%. That's the life changing stuff.
- Ideas are easy. Execution is hard.
- Say no, a lot.
- Unless your career requires a certification, your degree isn't important anymore. Focus on knowledge instead.
- Learn a skill.
- Don't pretend you know when you don't. You look more ignorant when you do that.
- Company values matter a lot. Write down your values much earlier than you think you need to.
- Giving benefit of the doubt might be the piece piece of advice when working with partners.
- Nashville is a 10 year town. But that's certainly not limited to Nashville. For real, 10 years.
- Communication skills will always come in handy.
- Listen more than you talk.