Nobody ever regretted being patient.
Nobody ever regretted being patient.
I get my patient trait from my Grandfather.
He was a successful businessman and one of the most patient men I have ever met. He would pass on opportune deals all day long that most people couldn’t pass up. Then, at the last minute of the last hour, he would strike hard on a deal of a lifetime.
I watched him do this several times and it taught me to think before I speak. To never bet the farm on one hand, and to always keep the big picture of things into perspective. He didn’t become successful from one deal and he didn’t go broke from one loss either. Just 50 years of getting up at 5am, putting on his shoes, drinking some coffee, and chipping away a little bit more at the big ole tree.
This whole thing we’re doing here…it is a journey. A lonnnnnggg marathon.
Don’t buy into the get rich quick schemes. They don’t work. And no TV show automatically makes you a success. Just like no 30 day program can get you a 6pack.
Get up and chip away a little more at the big ole tree. You’re not bringing the whole thing down today.